Hi, I'm Peter

I am a highly skilled Ruby specialist and problem finder with a strong background in TypeScript, and I enjoy collaborating on projects utilizing Kubernetes. Sharp and well functioning tools are the basis for my craftsmanship. Currently, I am broadening my expertise by delving into the fascinating world of React Native and Elixir.

I have a passion for crafting high quality code, and I'm delighted to showcase a selection of my work on Github. At the moment, I am embracing the dynamic role of a freelance software engineer. Prior to this, I spent five challenging years as the CTO of store2be in the inspiring city of Berlin.

Please don't hesitate to connect with me on LinkedIn if you'd like to discuss potential project collaborations. I'm always open to new opportunities and engaging conversations.

Blog posts

12 Jun 2024

NATS JetStream ObjectStore with NodeJS/Typescript

  • nats
  • jetstream
  • nodejs
  • typescript
11 Jun 2024

NATS edge to cloud

  • nats
  • edge
  • cloud
18 Jan 2024

Rails update with Neovim mergetool

  • rails
  • neovim
  • mergetool
04 Jan 2024

SimpleCov terminal summary of test coverage

  • ruby
  • simplecov
  • formatter
17 Dec 2023

Get Neovim mode when executing a command

  • neovim
  • lua
  • hack
15 Nov 2023

Properly clean up Doorkeeper access tokens

  • ruby
  • doorkeeper
  • openid-connect
11 Nov 2023

Leveraging the asdf version manager in Github Actions CI for Neovim matrix testing.

  • asdf
  • ci
  • github actions
  • matrix testing
  • neovim
10 Nov 2023

GraphQL codegen for Ruby

  • graphql
  • codegen
  • ruby
26 Oct 2023

Ignore Typescript errors in `node_modules`

  • typescript
  • errors
  • CI
10 Oct 2023

Create a ReactNative StorybookProvider

  • typescript
  • react-native
  • storybook
23 Sep 2023

Event based system in Ruby (on Rails) - Part 2

  • ruby
  • events
20 Sep 2023

Event based system in Ruby (on Rails) - Part 1

  • ruby
  • events
14 Sep 2023

Ruby Concurrent::Future with ActiveRecord / PostgreSQL

  • ruby
  • concurrency
  • activerecord
  • postgresql
23 Apr 2023

Streak calculation in PostgreSQL

  • postgresql
21 Apr 2023

Database logs in Ruby on Rails RSpec tests

  • rails
  • rspec
  • database
  • logs
20 Apr 2023

Use GraphQL fragments for better types

  • typescript
  • graphql
  • fragments
16 Apr 2023

TypeScript enums instead of 3-state booleans

  • typescript
  • enums
  • react
31 Mar 2023

Documenting your projects with a Justfile

  • documentation
  • just
26 Mar 2023

Simple and long vs complex and short functions

  • coding style
22 Mar 2023

Git jump in Neovim with Telescope

  • git
  • neovim
  • telescope
14 Mar 2023

Inject Rails encrypted credentials in CI/CD for public repositories

  • rails
  • ci/cd
  • environment variables
16 Jan 2023

RSpec GraphQL integration testing

  • ruby
  • rspec
  • graphql
22 Aug 2022

Garmin Connect IQ development - Getting started

  • garmin
01 Jul 2022

Space Jumper

  • game
  • project
14 Jun 2018

Email templates at store2be and GDPR — How we migrated away from Sendwithus

  • email-templates
  • mjml
  • typescript
  • react
14 Aug 2017

Heroku CLI meets fzf

  • heroku
  • fzf